
Mathworks is a center for innovation in mathematics education at Texas State University. Watch video →

Researching the genetics of disease in the forests of Ecuador. Watch video here →

Associate Professor Maggie Chen builds a future of ubiquitous, tiny, flexible and cheap antennas. Read more →

Dr. Fred Aguayo's research group focuses on finding ways to reduce the carbon footprint in concrete construction while still maintaining or improving long-term performance. Read more →

Dr. Karl Stephan, Ingram School of Engineering, discusses the value of including engineering ethics in undergraduate engineering programs. Read more →

Dr. Oleg Komogortsev has been collecting high-level awards for his research into the human eye and eye-sensor technology. Read more →

《老王诊所》完整版:(全文在线阅读)-中经在线网:2021-8-30 · 老王 越看越有有感觉,看着电影里面的女伢小舌头的灵活缠绕吮吸,老王的心都澎湃了,恨不得立马关门去找个女人试一下。 “医生 ?” 林婉如见老王没答话,又叫了一声,头也鬼使神差的朝前伸了一下,想看看这医生在看什么。 老王没想到 ...

Invasive parasite robs fish of ability to swim, poses potential threat to endangered species
Researchers at Texas State University have identified an increasingly severe invasive parasite problem in the San Marcos and Comal Rivers that could impact native fish. Read more →

Special seat opens waters to those with disabilities
Greg LaKomski, Dept. of Computer Science, helped design a special seat to help those with disabilities board a boat. He then tasked a group of Texas State engineering students to make that design a reality. Read more →

Senior Design Day, Ingram School of Engineering
Students at Texas State University showcased their research projects and achievements during the annual Senior Design Day at the Ingram School of Engineering. Video link →
请教下大家, iOS 的老王怎么用呢,提交评价好还要操作什么 ...:请教下大家, iOS 的老王怎么用呢,提交评价好还要操作什么不 elppa · 84 天前 · 1068 次点击 这是一个创建于 84 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
Comprised of 365 faculty in six departments, the Ingram School of Engineering, and the Materials Science, Engineering, and Commercialization Program, the College of Science and Engineering offers a broad spectrum of educational resources, cross-disciplinary training, and career preparedness for our majors.

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College of Science and Engineering
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College of Science and Engineering
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